The Letter From no One.

The summer holiday's have started alredy when harry was allowed out of his cupboard,after a long punishment.Harry and Durdley were going to secondary during September. different schools this time, Harry was happy about this, Durdly got a brand new school uniform, while Harry got old stuff that had to be dyed to match his uniform. But Harry had good new's coming his way. The new's from the letter's that harry was not suppose to read.It was also Harry's eleventh birthday on Tuesday and Harry was counting the hours, even though he knows that nothing nice he is going to get from the Dursly.
It does'nt matter how hard the Dursley's try to stop Harry from being a wizzard it seems they are not winning. In this chapter Harry receives a post and when he tries to read it the eveil Mr. Dursly snap it out of Harry's hand,saying that he is not suppose to get mails.He burned all the letters that came for harry,he even closed the post door for mails not to go in, so that Harry wont get hold of them. But as we all know Harry is a wizzard so the letters kept flowing inside the Dursley's house. But still Harry could not get hold of them, not even one.Mr Dursley need's to accept the things he cannot change, and concentrate on improving on his parenting skills.
The Keeper OF the Keys.
In this chapter is were Harry is going to learn everything about his family and that he is a wizzard. And he will also know about the letter's that he so desperatly wanted to read. And the money that his parent left him,also about You Know Who? who killed his parents. Harry was accepted to Hogwart School of Witchcraft And Wizardry. the Dursly's were not very happy about it. But it seems it was not up to them to decide. Atleast Harry will have a chance to be free from the Dursly's for a while and live his own life, a wizard life. We will see in the next chapters how Harry does at his new school of Wizardry. By the way Harry made a wish on his birthday that some one could come and take him away from this horrible family and it came true. He also got a cake for the first time on his birthday, which was of course eaten by Dursly of which he got a pig's tail for being a pig. Atleast we see Harry's life changing for the better, but is it really going to be that easy for Harry? We'll see as we get to other chapter.
You hit the nail on the head there Anny! now the story is starting to become more exciting. We now get to know who Hagrid is the first sight of a friendship developing in the book. This is just what Harry needs to break out of his shell. Without his oppressing uncle and aunt.