Welcome to our blog where we will be having fruitfull discussion on children's literature.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Dear Students
I enjoyed viewing this site. Thank you for the effort. Careful in some instances you have spelt words and used your english grammar incorrectly. This being a language and literacy module you had to use the english language correctly. That is your spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc had to be perfect.
The marks you obtained for this blog is 39/45 = 87%.
Keep the book club spirit alive, continue to read and above all continue to tell your stories.
Ms Petker
I enjoyed viewing this site. Thank you for the effort. Careful in some instances you have spelt words and used your english grammar incorrectly. This being a language and literacy module you had to use the english language correctly. That is your spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc had to be perfect.
The marks you obtained for this blog is 39/45 = 87%.
Keep the book club spirit alive, continue to read and above all continue to tell your stories.
Ms Petker
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Rapping up Harry Potter.
As Danita has dicussed on those last three chapters about what Harry went through when trying to practise magic portions and the way he, Hamione and Ron got into trouble. And how they saved Hamione from that ugley beast. And the way prof. Snapes gave him tough time. futhermore we also hear about how Harry played quidditch. Now we come to the rest of the book and the difficulties that Harry and his friend went through.
After Harry and Ron saved Hamione they still had more chalenges coming their way. when they accidentally walked inthe room where fluffy was in (the dog with three legs) they saw that the dog was guarding something, which they later found out that it was looking after the phillosophus stone. and they had a wrong idea thinking that Snapes is working for Veldemont.
they rushed to tell prof Mcgonagall that Snapes is trying to steal the philosophus stone and she was shocked tohear that they even know about the stone. and told them that there is no such thing.
Thats when Harry decided he is going to save the stone from prof Snape so that Veldomont wont get hold of it. Both Hamione and Ron offered to help him. they then heard that to keep Fluffy out of the way they have to play him music, then he will fall asleep. But there were already a bit late when they got there because someone had already did that and Fluffy was asleep. They pushed him so that they can get to the trap door,which they managed. fluffy woke up when they were busy trying to get inside. So they had to get in faster. That is when they were trapped by the flower, and Hamione told them to relax and not to fight it. Harry listened and they were both released. Ron was fighting it so he was left behind. But Hamione managed to save him with her spell.
They now had to play chess in order to find prof Snapes as they thought he is the person they are looking for to sop him for giving Veldemont the stone so that he could come back to life again, but we all know that they were wrong. Prof. Quirell was the person to look for.instead Prof. Snapes was protecting Harry all the time.

They entered a room of a real wizzard chess and as Ron is an expect on it he offered to play in order to save Harry. He wanted to sacrife his life for Harry so that Harry can stop Veldemont from getting the sone.
Ron did his best to win, but by the time he said check mate, he was suppose to be killed by a Queen. The queen hit the night hard as Ron was a Night and he fell hard, he was uncontious, but Harry took over and he won. He was now faced with the demon himself. Veldemont in the body of Prof. Quirell.

After Harry and Ron saved Hamione they still had more chalenges coming their way. when they accidentally walked inthe room where fluffy was in (the dog with three legs) they saw that the dog was guarding something, which they later found out that it was looking after the phillosophus stone. and they had a wrong idea thinking that Snapes is working for Veldemont.
they rushed to tell prof Mcgonagall that Snapes is trying to steal the philosophus stone and she was shocked tohear that they even know about the stone. and told them that there is no such thing.
Thats when Harry decided he is going to save the stone from prof Snape so that Veldomont wont get hold of it. Both Hamione and Ron offered to help him. they then heard that to keep Fluffy out of the way they have to play him music, then he will fall asleep. But there were already a bit late when they got there because someone had already did that and Fluffy was asleep. They pushed him so that they can get to the trap door,which they managed. fluffy woke up when they were busy trying to get inside. So they had to get in faster. That is when they were trapped by the flower, and Hamione told them to relax and not to fight it. Harry listened and they were both released. Ron was fighting it so he was left behind. But Hamione managed to save him with her spell.
They now had to play chess in order to find prof Snapes as they thought he is the person they are looking for to sop him for giving Veldemont the stone so that he could come back to life again, but we all know that they were wrong. Prof. Quirell was the person to look for.instead Prof. Snapes was protecting Harry all the time.

They entered a room of a real wizzard chess and as Ron is an expect on it he offered to play in order to save Harry. He wanted to sacrife his life for Harry so that Harry can stop Veldemont from getting the sone.
Ron did his best to win, but by the time he said check mate, he was suppose to be killed by a Queen. The queen hit the night hard as Ron was a Night and he fell hard, he was uncontious, but Harry took over and he won. He was now faced with the demon himself. Veldemont in the body of Prof. Quirell.
Harry was very suprised that Prof Quirell was the one who was working for Veldemont all the time. he was there waiting for Harry. Because he knew he must know where the stone was. But harry did not know. Untill he saw his parents on the mirrow. then he put his hand in the pocket and the stone was there. Prof and Veldemot could not see it but they knew Harry is hiding something. So Quirell forced him to talk by assulting him. But Harry did not say anything. That was when Veldemont showed himself to Harry. They struggled for the stone but Harry fought with everything he got untill he managed to kill them both. But Veldemont spirit tried to enter Harry which it did, for a while though but Harry managed to fight the spirit wih the help of Prof Dumbledore. The incouraging words he got and the fighting spirit he got in him.

Hi ladies this is as far as i can remember and you are welcome to add where i left out . But as we all read the story we can find that ,in this story there is a lot of hate, evil, and bad things happening, because of people like Veldemont, Malfoy and Quiqirell who did not want anything good happening to harry. Nevertheless there is also good people who loved Harry and wanted to protect him, people like his friends who really loved him. And Dumbledore and the others that adored Harry.
At the end their houses were awarded acording to the points that they made during the year, and Gryffindor won because of their honest hard work, Hard work pay's, does'nt it ladies.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Harry Potter 8,9 & 10
Chapter 8 - The Potions Master
Harry and his friends are engrossed in their numerous studies, taking so many courses, including History of Magic taught by a ghost, Charms with Professor Flitwick, Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall (Hermione's favorite and best course), and Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Quirrell. They have some trouble - getting lost in the large halls and hundreds of staircases - and are frightened of the caretaker, Argus Filch and his cat named Mrs. Norris. Professor Quirrell certainly seems to be the most bizarre teacher, as his turban emits a strange odor of garlic and constant movement. Rumors come and go as to Quirrell's necessity of the turban and presence in Hogwarts. With all the courses, Harry is thrilled to discover that everyone in school is just as clueless as he. Harry also learns that Snape is the head of Slytherin.On Fridays all the owls bring the students their mail. Since Harry has no wizard family, he never expects any mail. However, on Friday he receives a letter from Hagrid, written in untidy handwriting, asking to have afternoon tea. Harry is thrilled to meet with Hagrid, for he is frustrated after his Potions class with Snape. He realizes that Snape hates him for being a celebrity, among other unknown reasons. Snape looks at Harry with his slanted menacing eyes and continues to ask him detailed questions, despite his blank answers. Hermione is the only person with her hand in the air, knowing the answer; however Snape continues to pick on Harry. He even docks Gryffindor several points because Harry cannot answer his questions. Harry wonders why he hates him so much.
After class, Ron goes with Harry to visit Hagrid. They are comforted by Hagrid's information that Snape projects a desolate and mean image to everyone. Hagrid recognizes Ron by his hair and freckles and inquires as to his brothers' well being, for he remembers them from years past. Hagrid is reading a story from The Daily Prophet about a break-in at Gringotts. The break-in Ron had mentioned on the train is this same break-in, which he sees occurred on his birthday, while they were at Gringotts. Harry thinks about the empty vault and the small package that he and Hagrid removed from the bank. He also wonders if he should tell Hagrid about Snape's suspicious nature. Harry and Ron leave Hagrid's shack, trying to piece together the puzzle.
Topic Tracking: Friendship 5
Chapter 9 - The Midnight Duel
Topic Tracking: Good vs. Evil 5
Topic Tracking: Friendship 6
The older boys on the Quidditch team come up to Ron and Harry, who are eating in the banquet hall, excited to meet their new teammate. Malfoy and his gang also speak to Harry, wondering when he will be expelled. They are surprised to learn that he has been rewarded instead of punished for flying on his broom, and invite him to a midnight wizard's duel. Ron claims that Harry will accept and that he will be his second. Harry doesn't understand anything that is going on, but accepts to fight, nonetheless. After they have left, Hermione walks up to Harry and Ron, upset that they will fight. She thinks it selfish and unfair for Harry to go around at night losing points for Gryffindor.
When Ron and Harry exit Gryffindor Tower at approximately 11pm, Hermione is waiting for them near the exit to stop them from risking a loss of valuable points. She follows them out, and is locked out of the tower, for the hole through which they climbed - with the fat lady - is no longer there, and she must wait for her to return to the painting in order to go through the painting and into the Tower.
Topic Tracking: Magic 7
Hermione follows them to the duel. They walk through the classrooms and hope to find Malfoy. They find Neville waiting outside the Tower, healed from his arm injury, but confused as to the password to get back inside. Instead of finding Malfoy the four stumble across Filch speaking to his cat, Mrs. Norris. They fear getting caught and run through the trophy room. Ron realizes that they must return to Gryffindor as soon as possible. Hermione informs them that Malfoy had tricked them into venturing into the Trophy room against the rules. Filch chases them until they find themselves lost in a corridor - the forbidden corridor on the third floor. It is guarded by a large animal with three heads over a trapdoor.
"They were looking straight into the eyes of a monstrous dog, a dog which filled the whole space between ceiling and floor. It had three heads. Three pairs of rolling, mad eyes; three noses, twitching and quivering in their direction; thee drooling mouths, saliva hanging in slippery ropes from yellowish fangs." Chapter 9, pg. 119
The kids run as fast as they can to escape death, this monstrous animal guarding, what Hermione reveals, is a trapdoor. The fat lady in the portrait has returned and Harry tells her the secret password of "pig snout." Her door opens and the kids climb through and fall asleep. Harry realizes that the only place more secure and safe than Gringotts is Hogwarts. Now, he realizes where the little package from the vault is located: under the trapdoor.
Chapter 10 - Hallowe'en
When Malfoy sees Harry and Ron the following day alive and well, he is shocked. Harry informs Ron of the mystery behind the object that was moved from Gringotts to Hogwarts, and the two spend the remainder of the day trying to decipher what it is. Neville and Hermione do not care what the mysterious object is. At lunch that day, the owl drops a package for Harry with a letter from McGonagall explaining what is inside. It is a Nimbus Two Thousand broom, the highest speed and latest model, given to Harry by the Gryffindor Quidditch team. McGonagall wants to keep this news quiet, since first years are not allowed broomsticks. Nonetheless, Harry is to meet Woods that afternoon for the team's first practice. Malfoy grabs Harry's package, realizes what it is, and is prepared to turn him in. However, Professor Flitwick suddenly appears, inquiring as to the chatter, congratulating Harry on his new broom and position on the Quidditch team. Malfoy is appalled and confused, wondering how Harry could be in such good standing with the professors. Harry informs Malfoy that it is all because of him that he is so lucky. Hermione walks up behind Ron and Harry, upset about them breaking the rules, yet again. She still does not care about the package or the broomstick and leaves in a huff with her nose in the air.Harry finds his first Quidditch practice on the field with the older boys and Woods. Woods explains the entire game to him, that with seven players on each time, there are the positions of Chaser, Keeper, and Seeker, the ball is called the Quaffle, and the team hopes to snag the Snitch. Harry comments that the sport seems like basketball, only with broomsticks and six hoops. Harry flies in the air and catches so many balls that he impresses Woods and the rest of the teammates. He is compared to the great Quidditch player,
Charlie Weasley, one of Ron's older brothers.
Two months goes by and Harry can hardly believe how comfortable he feels at Hogwarts. He is busy with classes, Quidditch practice, and mastering all the magic. One day in Charms class, the students begin to make feathers fly. Ron has difficulty pronouncing a spell and Hermione helps him. Hers works perfectly and her feather flies, causing the teacher to congratulate her in public. Ron makes a derogatory comment behind her back to Harry about her lack of friends and pompous attitude. Harry sees Hermione leave the class in tears. They find out that she is absent for the rest of the day, crying in the bathroom.
Topic Tracking: Magic 8
Topic Tracking: Friendship 7
Later, that day, Professor Quirrell runs down the hall frantically claiming that there is a monstrous troll loose in the basement. At Dumbledore's request, the older kids lead everyone out to safekeeping. Ron and Harry, however, remember that Hermione doesn't know about the troll. They decide to leave the group to find her and save her. They see Snape roaming the campus outside the group, away from where he should be. In their search, they begin to smell something foul and find themselves in direct contact with the troll.
"It was a horrible sight. Twelve feet tall, its skin was a dull, granite grey, its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut. It had short legs thick as tree trunks with flat, horny feet. The smell coming from it was incredible. It was holing a huge wooden club, which dragged along the floor because its arms were so long." Chapter 10, pg. 129
Harry and Ron decide to lock it inside the chamber. Yet, when the walk away, they hear a high-pitched scream that belongs to Hermione, also locked inside the women's bathroom chamber with the giant troll. They go back inside to save her in an enormous fight against the monster. Harry jumps on its neck and sticks his wand inside one of its nostrils, causing it severe pain, while Ron uses his wand to retrieve Harry's. Eventually, they overtake the troll through magic and survive unscathed. Professor McGonagall finds the three students and is furious. Hermione lies to her, claiming that she wanted to go and fight the troll on her own, and Ron and Harry found and saved her. McGonagall is infuriated with Hermione, for she cannot believe that such a perfect girl has suddenly done something horribly wrong. She docks Gryffindor five points for Hermione's behavior and adds on ten points for Harry's bravery. They return to Gryffindor through the fat lady's picture and become three musketeers - an inseparable trio of friends.
Topic Tracking: Friendship 8
Topic Tracking: Good vs. Evil 6
Regards Danita
Harry potter Chapter 7
introducing them to the school. It is an enormous building with torches and miraculously high ceilings. They are about to have their start-of-year banquet, in which they must pass a test to sort them into one of the four houses. Harry is terrified of performing magic that he does not know - especially in front of the entire school. As he enters, a line of nostalgic wizard ghosts suddenly frightens him. They quickly leave when they discover the commencement of the opening banquet. The first years enter the banquet hall, lined with glittering goblets and golden table-settings and a ceiling that seems to stretch to the heavens.
The ceremony begins with the sorting hat, a large black, pointed, dirty hat that is laid in the front of the banquet hall on a chair. Each first year must place it on his or her head and it shouts out the name of the hall that suits the personality. The hat opens with a little song and proceeds through the list of new years. Harry is terrified of not being selected at all, but is eventually placed in Gryffindor with Neville, Ron, and Hermione. Draco is placed in Slytherin. When Harry's name is called, there is a loud hush of whispers among the students wondering if this is The Harry Potter.
Topic Tracking: Magic 6
When the sorting is complete, Dumbledore addresses the students as they begin to eat. Dumbledore says four silly, meaningless words, and the feast commences. Harry wonders if Dumbledore is mad. Ron claims that he is the most brilliant wizard, and yes, he is a bit mad. The food is miraculous and plentiful. At the meal, friendly ghosts from years past, including Nearly Headless Nick, join the students at the tables. They speak and reminisce and give advice. Harry looks around at the different professors, and sees Professor Quirrell, the stutterer in the turban. He also sees a new menacing-looking man named Professor Snape, who teaches Potions and glances morbidly at Harry. When he looks at Harry, Harry feels a striking pain in his scar. After the meal, Dumbledore leads the students in a rendition of the Hogwarts school song. Afterward, the children run off to their new respective houses and fall asleep. Harry dreams an unusual story in he sleep:
"He was wearing Professor Quirrell's turban, which kept talking to him, telling him he must transfer to Slytherin at once, because it was his destiny. Harry told the turban he didn't want to be in Slytherin; it got heavier and heavier; he tried to pull it off but it tightened painfully - an there was Malfoy, laughing at him as he struggled with it - then Malfoy turned into the hook-nosed teacher, Snape, whose laugh became high and cold - there was a burst of green light and Harry woke, sweating and shaking." Chapter 7, pg. 97
When Harry awakens, he remembers nothing from his dream.
Regards Danita
Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat
When the children enter Hogwarts, they are greeted initially by Professor McGonagallThe ceremony begins with the sorting hat, a large black, pointed, dirty hat that is laid in the front of the banquet hall on a chair. Each first year must place it on his or her head and it shouts out the name of the hall that suits the personality. The hat opens with a little song and proceeds through the list of new years. Harry is terrified of not being selected at all, but is eventually placed in Gryffindor with Neville, Ron, and Hermione. Draco is placed in Slytherin. When Harry's name is called, there is a loud hush of whispers among the students wondering if this is The Harry Potter.
Topic Tracking: Magic 6
When the sorting is complete, Dumbledore addresses the students as they begin to eat. Dumbledore says four silly, meaningless words, and the feast commences. Harry wonders if Dumbledore is mad. Ron claims that he is the most brilliant wizard, and yes, he is a bit mad. The food is miraculous and plentiful. At the meal, friendly ghosts from years past, including Nearly Headless Nick, join the students at the tables. They speak and reminisce and give advice. Harry looks around at the different professors, and sees Professor Quirrell, the stutterer in the turban. He also sees a new menacing-looking man named Professor Snape, who teaches Potions and glances morbidly at Harry. When he looks at Harry, Harry feels a striking pain in his scar. After the meal, Dumbledore leads the students in a rendition of the Hogwarts school song. Afterward, the children run off to their new respective houses and fall asleep. Harry dreams an unusual story in he sleep:
"He was wearing Professor Quirrell's turban, which kept talking to him, telling him he must transfer to Slytherin at once, because it was his destiny. Harry told the turban he didn't want to be in Slytherin; it got heavier and heavier; he tried to pull it off but it tightened painfully - an there was Malfoy, laughing at him as he struggled with it - then Malfoy turned into the hook-nosed teacher, Snape, whose laugh became high and cold - there was a burst of green light and Harry woke, sweating and shaking." Chapter 7, pg. 97
When Harry awakens, he remembers nothing from his dream.
Regards Danita
As a group i believe we really enjoyed blogging, it has been an amazing learning experience for us. We all worked well together and everybody done their part.
The power of learning from your peers is amazing and indescribable.
By doing the book club we gained more experience and knowledge about the books as well as how the authors have written them we have learned that there is much more value in reading than we would have expected before this assignment. The blog also helped us as members to broaden our understanding on the different stories, as we clarified one anothers uncertainties through posting.
Dislikes there may not be many but one would be the difficulty with internet accessibility at home or university. For some we had internet at home and others did not and this made it difficult for us all to co-operate at online all the time.
We believe that this may be the beginning of a new era in teaching and learning
The power of learning from your peers is amazing and indescribable.
By doing the book club we gained more experience and knowledge about the books as well as how the authors have written them we have learned that there is much more value in reading than we would have expected before this assignment. The blog also helped us as members to broaden our understanding on the different stories, as we clarified one anothers uncertainties through posting.
Dislikes there may not be many but one would be the difficulty with internet accessibility at home or university. For some we had internet at home and others did not and this made it difficult for us all to co-operate at online all the time.
We believe that this may be the beginning of a new era in teaching and learning
harry potter book review- by Kamogelo Kekana
The novel is filled with magic and fantasy, J.K Rawlings out did herself on this one. Harry Potter and the philosopher stone is the first of this series. The book is about a young boy who is orphaned at infancy by an evil dark magic wizard. He grows up knowing his parents died in a car crash while he lives with his maternal aunt and uncle and their spoilt brat son who happens to be the same age as Harry. They treat him very badly but it seems Harry is quiet content with it, He does not complain, he is barely visible as a family member; it is so bad they make him sleep in the cupboard under the stairs. If one was to go through the house you would find no evidence of another boy in the family but Dudley.
Strange things Happen when Harry is around and his aunt and uncle know this, that he is a wizard. Harry only finds out about his capabilities on his eleventh birthday, Hagrid the caretaker at Hogwarts school of Wizardry appears on that night and reveals this to Harry. Then Harry is enrolled into the school and the adventures begin… with his new found friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasly. Together they embark on a number of adventures and set the climax of the story when they try to save the philosopher stone from being stolen by a presumed evil teacher Snape at the school.
The stone has magical powers to make an elixir of life that can make a person immortal and the three try very hard to keep the stone from the wrong hands, like the hands of the one who should not be named- Voldermont-The Wizard that killed Harry’s parents and attempted to kill Harry when he was still a boy.
At the end good prevails and the stone is destroyed with the help of Dumbledore, the Head master at the school and also a good wizard.
The book is a great read, all age groups will be intrigued by its adventure, how well it’s written and the coherent style of writing that (figuratively) won’t allow you to put the book down. I like how Harry grows within the story, from a young boy who has no clue how much power and fame he possesses to a self-made Hero. He follows instinct throughout the story no one tells him how to do things but he stands for what is right and somehow that leads him to do the right thing. Like when the children where on the field for their first flying lesson and he stood up against Malfoy, he did it because it was wrong he stood up against a bully and the end he was spotted flying and that led to his position in the quidich team as the sneaker.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Harry Potter Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - The Vanishing Glass
Ten years pass and everything around the Dursley house remains the same. Nobody would be able to tell that Harry lives with them, for he sleeps in the cupboard under the stairs, in a small dark space infested with spiders. Because of this, his appearance is left slightly less than empowering:Aunt Petunia tells Harry that his parents died in a car accident years earlier and that he should never ask any questions. This statement is a rule that must be obeyed. One morning, Harry is woken up early in celebration of Dudley's birthday. The Dursleys buy him dozens of expensive presents - none necessary items - and prepare for a birthday extravaganza including a trip to the zoo. Harry goes with Uncle Vernon, Dudley's friend Piers Polkiss, and the Dursleys because the sitter, Mrs. Figg called to cancel. Dudley does not want Harry coming on the trip, for he thinks he will ruin everything. However, when nobody can stay with Harry, he comes along, after a serious threat from Uncle Vernon not to do anything crazy. Harry can never explain the weird things that happen to him, for example when his hair grew back overnight, when he suddenly appeared on the roof after being chased by Dudley's gang, and when he shrunk a horrible jumper that Aunt Petunia tried to get him to wear. However, he fully believes that nothing funny and bizarre will occur this day at the zoo. Yet, at the zoo, Harry looks at the poor snake, enclosed in his own cupboard-type of prison, behind the glass, sitting all day while annoying visitors like Dudley tap their fingers against the glass. The snake winks at Harry, opening the conversation of breeding and history. Harry sees a sign that first says the snake is from Brazil, but lower says that it was bred in captivity. Harry feels sorry for the snake and hurt that Dudley keeps punching him in the stomach. Suddenly, the glass disappears between the boys and the snake, allowing it to wrap itself around Dudley and Piers, and eventually escape to Brazil.
Topic Tracking: Magic 2
On the car ride home, Uncle Vernon Dursley blames Harry and vows to put him back in the cupboard, while Dudley complains and reports that Harry was talking to the snake. Meanwhile, Harry is confused and sad, for he has no friends, everyone at school makes fun of him for fear of Dudley and his gang, and he knows nothing about his parents. He recalls a strange vision from his childhood and simultaneously feels a tingle in his scar. Furthermore, Harry often sees people that he recognizes, but never gets close enough to them to start a conversation. He is alone and hopes to be rescued by some imaginary unknown relative.
Topic Tracking: Hopes and Desires 1
Harry Potter Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - The Boy Who Lived
The novel opens with a detailed description of the Dursleys, an utterly normal family in England - boring, overweight and typical. Mr. Dursley is the director of a drill-making firm, while Mrs. Dursley watches over their beloved son, Dudley, who can do no wrong in their eyes. They abhor anything and everything out of the ordinary, namely their relatives the Potters. Mrs. Petunia Dursley's sister, Lily, married Mr. Potter, and gave birth to Harry, a child who they despise and desperately attempt to keep away from their precious Dudley. One morning, odd and extraordinary events begin to occur near the Dursley home at 4 Privet Drive. A cat is reading a map, an owl flies past the window, and everyone in town seems to be wearing cloaks - clothing Mr. Dursley believes is only for the weird and young. He passes the day at work, noticing the difference in the weather and his surroundings, and thinks little of it until he overhears someone mention the name "Potter." He frantically worries about his weird cousins and their bizarre child and rushes home to his wife to express his concern. The cat is still reading out front, while the news reports an influx of owls and shooting stars instead of rain. When Mr. Dursley brings up the Potters, Petunia chooses to ignore the statement and pretend that they don't exist, so as not to clutter their simple lives with anything out of the ordinary. They are desperately wrong.
In the same corner that the cat watches, a man appears out of nowhere.
"Nothing like this man had ever been seen in Privet Drive. He was tall, thin and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak which swept the ground and high-heeled, bucked boots. His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-mooned spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice. This man's name was Albert Dumbledore." Chapter 1, pg. 12
After Dumbledore appears, he spies the cat and calls her Professor McGonagall. She transforms into an elderly woman with glasses and a tight bun, wearing an emerald cloak. She wonders how Dumbledore knows it is her, and he quips that no cat is as stiff as she is. They discuss the day, eat lemon sherbet from the Muggles (mortal people), eventually arriving at the subject of the Potters. Dumbledore informs McGonagall of the recent tragedy that befell the Potters. Voldemort, a man of infinite horror and destruction, a man of whom nobody dares utter his name, violently attacked Lily and James Potter - two miraculous sorcerers - and killed them. The miracle is that their child, their baby Harry, survived the attack. McGonagall and Dumbledore are shocked, for Voldemort's power and anger has killed so many and caused so much destruction to adults, let alone children and babies. Because of Voldemort's failure to kill Harry, it seems his power has broken, and he has fled. These two wizards now await Hagrid, a giant, hairy messenger, to learn how to take care of the valuable Potter baby.
Topic Tracking: Good vs. Evil 2
Topic Tracking: Magic 1
Hagrid arrives with Harry wrapped in baby blankets. Because of the attack, he has a large scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead. Dumbledore informs McGonagall that they intend to leave Harry with the Dursleys for several years, so that he may be raised as a normal child until he is ready to accept his place in wizard history. McGonagall cannot fathom that they would leave this miracle baby - this miracle child - in the hands of such morons as the Dursleys. Dumbledore reiterates that he has written Mr. Dursley a letter explaining the entire story and significance of events and birth for Harry when he's older. He assumes that Dursley will show the letter and explain Harry his heritage.
"'A letter?' repeated Professor McGonagall faintly, sitting back down on the wall. 'Really, Dumbledore, you think you can explain all this in a letter? These people will never understand him! He'll be famous - a legend - I wouldn't be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter day in future - there will be books written about Harry - every child in our world will know his name!'" Chapter 1, pg. 15
Dumbledore explains that this is the exact reason to leave Harry with the Dursleys. Such fame would be too much to handle at such a young age. When he is ready, they will come for him. Hagrid bids goodbye to his beloved package of youth, while Dumbledore and McGonagall wish him luck, knowing that they are doing the right thing. They place him on the doorstep and leave.
Themes in harry potter- By kamogelo Kekana
Love versus hate:
At the end it was Love that conquered all, it killed professor Quirrell and saved Harrys life, this love also reflects how much Harrys parents loved him. At one scene this love had to contend with Voldermont's hate towards Harry for what happened when he tried to kill him.
Voldermont tries really hard to kill Harry, twice now and he has failed firstly in his own form and second time in Quirell's body.
The Dersley’s feelings towards Harry are also another type of Hate, the way they treat his son as compared to how they treat Harry one can easily see whose treatment is cushioned with love and care. I think that Harry’s bedroom under the cupboard is a guide line, the type of clothes he wears and just how both his aunt and uncle speak to him. Dumbledore treats Harry with so much respect and care and I think this and the way Hagrid treats him, Harry got a fair share of Love to make him feel content even with how the Dersleys treated him.
Good versus evil:
Voldermont as a dark arts wizard versus Dumbledore’s clean and good way of doing things.
The Dersleys versus Hagrid, I contrasted these two because I feel that the Dursleys are evil towards Harry and Hagrid does good things even when he uses magic he uses it for good.
Friendship vs. hatred or enemies:
Malfoy portrays a lot of hate towards Harry were as Ron offers a lot of friendship and is always willing to sacrifice like when he sacrificed himself in the giant wizard
Book Report
Harry Potter and the philosopher's Stone: by J.K Rowing.
The story takes places at Hagwarts, which is a school of magic for young wizards and witches. Haogwarts is a castle that is magically hidden in the countryside of morden England.
Charactor Description
Harry Potter, a first year wizard with a scar on his forehead.
Ron Weasley, a red-headed first year wizard. Harry's friend.
Hermione Granger, a clever but geeky first year witch. Harry's friend too.
Voldemort, an evil wizard who is trying to come back.
Professor McGonagall, a strict professor of potions who dislikes Harry a lot.
Harry discovers that he is a famous wizard who defeated the evil lord Voldemort when he was a baby. he stars his first year at the Hogwards. At Hogwarts, Harry become friends with Ron and Hernione.
These tree friends found out that a magical item is being guarded at Hogwarts. They suspected that professor Snape is trying to steel the stone and give it to Voldemort so that Voldemort can return to power. So th decided to him in the act of steeling.
Harry, Ron and Hermione combine their talents to get past the traps ment for the theft. Harry discovers that Voldemort has been at the Hogwarts.
Harry Potter and the philosopher's Stone: by J.K Rowing.
The story takes places at Hagwarts, which is a school of magic for young wizards and witches. Haogwarts is a castle that is magically hidden in the countryside of morden England.
Charactor Description
Harry Potter, a first year wizard with a scar on his forehead.
Ron Weasley, a red-headed first year wizard. Harry's friend.
Hermione Granger, a clever but geeky first year witch. Harry's friend too.
Voldemort, an evil wizard who is trying to come back.
Professor McGonagall, a strict professor of potions who dislikes Harry a lot.
Harry discovers that he is a famous wizard who defeated the evil lord Voldemort when he was a baby. he stars his first year at the Hogwards. At Hogwarts, Harry become friends with Ron and Hernione.
These tree friends found out that a magical item is being guarded at Hogwarts. They suspected that professor Snape is trying to steel the stone and give it to Voldemort so that Voldemort can return to power. So th decided to him in the act of steeling.
Harry, Ron and Hermione combine their talents to get past the traps ment for the theft. Harry discovers that Voldemort has been at the Hogwarts.
Chapter 5-6-Overview Theme and Characters
Chapter 5
Diagon Alley
In the chapter Harry does not know much about magic and what he needs he didn't even now that he had money in the previous chapters we have seen that Harry's been treated as an outcast without friends and rags for clothes.
This is now a new adventure for him he has enough money to buy anything he needs.
In the Leaky Cauldron there is a brief meeting with one of the professors at Hogwarts professor Quirrell! Odd man he was stuttering all the time. He already started to sound suspicious.
This chapter is a learning on for Harry and he is fascinated by what he is learning about magic he even meets some of the other students.
The theme in this chapter again is Friendship and aslo love. But in addition fame we start seeing how others respond to Harry even though he hasn't been in the magic world for years. Exploration and Discovery are also themes this is a child that cannot believe what he is seeing he is also in a new world were he has money he is famous and still has a lot to learn this is the complete opposite from what he came from.
When Harry gets his wand he then learns that he has the wand that has exactly the same feather as the one you know who had. "a Phoenix feather "
This brings up fear of what could happen.
Chapter 6
The Journey From Platform Nine and Three - Quarters
Uncertainty is surely the first thing we see because Harry needs to go to Platform nine an three quarters this clearly does not exist in the muggle world.
Harry is left to fend for himself he trying to find the platform.
Luckily Harry spots the red headed family and he sees them passing through the wall at platform 9 and 10. He then asks the mom what he must do and of he goes.
In the train Harry gets help from the twins Fred and George here they discover that he is the Real Harry potter by spotting his scar.
We get to know the Weasley family a little in this chapter and also Harry becoming friends with Ron and their first meeting with Hermionie.
Again we see friendship developing.
Ron is a Strange character he seems to be a inquisitive red headed. He was quickly telling Harry all about his family and the wizarding world.
We also meet Hermionie and quickly see that this character is a know it all she seems very smart and she seems to know alot about spells already.
In addition Malfoy, Crabb and Goyle already stir up some trouble and make it clear that they are mean boys. They are the bullies clearly.
Next they arrived at Hogwarts, in the boats they got and off to the school they went.
What other themes do you think was found in these chapters?
what did you learn about the characters presenting themselves?
Diagon Alley
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Gringotts Bank |
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Goblin in Gringotts |
Stone in the Vault |
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Diagon Alley |
In this chapter we see the friendship between Harry and Hagrid become stronger.
Hagrid now Plays the role of Harry's teacher as well as his parent.In the chapter Harry does not know much about magic and what he needs he didn't even now that he had money in the previous chapters we have seen that Harry's been treated as an outcast without friends and rags for clothes.
This is now a new adventure for him he has enough money to buy anything he needs.
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Professor Quirrell |
This chapter is a learning on for Harry and he is fascinated by what he is learning about magic he even meets some of the other students.
The theme in this chapter again is Friendship and aslo love. But in addition fame we start seeing how others respond to Harry even though he hasn't been in the magic world for years. Exploration and Discovery are also themes this is a child that cannot believe what he is seeing he is also in a new world were he has money he is famous and still has a lot to learn this is the complete opposite from what he came from.
When Harry gets his wand he then learns that he has the wand that has exactly the same feather as the one you know who had. "a Phoenix feather "
This brings up fear of what could happen.
Chapter 6
The Journey From Platform Nine and Three - Quarters
Uncertainty is surely the first thing we see because Harry needs to go to Platform nine an three quarters this clearly does not exist in the muggle world.
Harry is left to fend for himself he trying to find the platform.
Luckily Harry spots the red headed family and he sees them passing through the wall at platform 9 and 10. He then asks the mom what he must do and of he goes.
In the train Harry gets help from the twins Fred and George here they discover that he is the Real Harry potter by spotting his scar.
We get to know the Weasley family a little in this chapter and also Harry becoming friends with Ron and their first meeting with Hermionie.
Again we see friendship developing.
Ron is a Strange character he seems to be a inquisitive red headed. He was quickly telling Harry all about his family and the wizarding world.
We also meet Hermionie and quickly see that this character is a know it all she seems very smart and she seems to know alot about spells already.
In addition Malfoy, Crabb and Goyle already stir up some trouble and make it clear that they are mean boys. They are the bullies clearly.
Next they arrived at Hogwarts, in the boats they got and off to the school they went.
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The boats they sailed in |
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Ron in the Train |
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Hogwarts school |
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Hermionie Granger |
what did you learn about the characters presenting themselves?
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Harry Potter The Letter's from no one, and The keeper of the keys..
The Letter From no One.

The summer holiday's have started alredy when harry was allowed out of his cupboard,after a long punishment.Harry and Durdley were going to secondary during September. different schools this time, Harry was happy about this, Durdly got a brand new school uniform, while Harry got old stuff that had to be dyed to match his uniform. But Harry had good new's coming his way. The new's from the letter's that harry was not suppose to read.It was also Harry's eleventh birthday on Tuesday and Harry was counting the hours, even though he knows that nothing nice he is going to get from the Dursly.
It does'nt matter how hard the Dursley's try to stop Harry from being a wizzard it seems they are not winning. In this chapter Harry receives a post and when he tries to read it the eveil Mr. Dursly snap it out of Harry's hand,saying that he is not suppose to get mails.He burned all the letters that came for harry,he even closed the post door for mails not to go in, so that Harry wont get hold of them. But as we all know Harry is a wizzard so the letters kept flowing inside the Dursley's house. But still Harry could not get hold of them, not even one.Mr Dursley need's to accept the things he cannot change, and concentrate on improving on his parenting skills.
The Keeper OF the Keys.
In this chapter is were Harry is going to learn everything about his family and that he is a wizzard. And he will also know about the letter's that he so desperatly wanted to read. And the money that his parent left him,also about You Know Who? who killed his parents. Harry was accepted to Hogwart School of Witchcraft And Wizardry. the Dursly's were not very happy about it. But it seems it was not up to them to decide. Atleast Harry will have a chance to be free from the Dursly's for a while and live his own life, a wizard life. We will see in the next chapters how Harry does at his new school of Wizardry. By the way Harry made a wish on his birthday that some one could come and take him away from this horrible family and it came true. He also got a cake for the first time on his birthday, which was of course eaten by Dursly of which he got a pig's tail for being a pig. Atleast we see Harry's life changing for the better, but is it really going to be that easy for Harry? We'll see as we get to other chapter.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Harry Potter
As we can all see in the first 2 chapters we got to know many different characters we had a glimpse of Professor McGonagal and also Professor Dumbledore as well as Hangrid. These are characters that we will only learn more about throughout the book. But we already know that these people are Harry's support system they were concerned about him from the start and tried to make sure he went to the best place he could possibly be. After all after YOU KNOW WHO is "dead" because of Harry the muggle world may be the best place he could be to ensure that he is save. Like i mentioned on Kamo's post we have touched on Harry's Character and we have so much more to learn. In addition there is the Dursley's I would guess all of you do not like this family. These characters are so full of themselves, they believe they are better than other people. They also try everything they can to prevent other people in the community from seeing Harry Potter. I feel sorry for Harry Having to live with the Dursley"s.
Chapter two :The Vanishing Glass
Chapter two ladies, is for me the turn of a new page, although it is not that obvious. It is in this chapter where Harry speaks to the snake at the zoo on Dudley’s birthday and he begins to take his dreams a bit more serious and that for me is the turn of the tide, pity he is not supposed to ask anything about his upbringing.
Uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia are very weird according to me because, they seem to know that the potters are wizards with the way they panic when the Potters are mentioned and how they relate strange things happening to the Potters, Like when they say in chapter one, that they would not want their son to mix with the likes of the Potters son. But throughout this chapter they hardly mention it to Harry, instead they warn him on all the extraordinary things that happen around him and he is to blame for them. Chapter two still outlines Harry’s horrible treatment and how sad he feels, for me it evoked a lot of emotion and made me see Dudley as the first element to the theme, “good versus Evil”. In this case Dudley is the evil side of it all, I hate how he pretends to cry to his parents and looks over at Harry with a smile, which was just creepy. But I think that is another way the writer shows us how cunning this character is.
And if Harry has survived the wrath of YOU-KNOW-WHO then what is the likes of Dudley Dursley?
J.K. Rowling’s is a geniuses this book makes for a great read.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Gcina Mhlophe: Our story magic; Sun and the moon
Friday, 6 April 2012
Harry Potter
Picture: The Dursleys
Dudley, Mr and Mrs Dursley
In the first chapter of Harry Potter the story starts with a family called the Dursleys. This family had everything they already wanted and Mr. and Mrs. Dursley did not want anything to do with Mrs. Dursleys, Sisters family the Potters. However Mr. Dursley went to work the one day and found many things not to be right. He even saw people wearing cloaks. While at work he was to busy to realise the owls outside. Not knowing what was going on he went home and did not tell Mrs Dursley about his day because he didnt want to worry her.
In the meantime all the activity from the magical word was because "u know who" was dead. This was when Harry lived he was still a baby and needed a home and the Dursleys was his only family so this is were Harry had to go and Stay.
In this chapter we already see that the family was not fond of the Potters and they had no choice but to take in the child. Mrs Dursley's first reaction was a loud scream. They also did not want other people to know about the child and tried to keep it hush hush. Harry was still a small baby at this time and was already tortured by his cousin that pinched and prodded him. Harry was very special and wizards all over the world knew this because he was the boy who lived. And afterwards You know who was gone. This is what people thought.
This chapter of the book was very intriguing and easy to read it also makes u feel sorry for this little boy not knowing what is going to happen to him and how his life might turn out.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Our story Magic
The story of the Queen of the Tortoises. This story was very intriguing, has there not been a time in each of our lives that we wanted to be the Queen. This may have been when you were still 2 or 3 yrs old or any other age up until now. The story is about the Tortoise that is tired of being just a normal dirty tortoise so she decides to start bathing and then she would become the cleanest tortoise around. however this was not enough she wanted to also go to the meetings that all the leaders got to go to. But this was not going to be an easy task because meetings were held across the river. so she made a plan, she asked the Ducks for helped and they decided to fly her over. We all know what happened next.
The story is magical because it shows as that we can achieve anything we want to, however the lesson is that we should do this within limits. We cannot always achieve the impossible. After all Tortoises cannot fly!!!
Well Done
Hi ladies,
Well done for the good performance at the Maponya mall. The efforts, time, passion and the zeel we all had for the reading program was amazing. The program was a success despite all the running around. Indeed i have realse that, we are not only being prepared for classroom work but also being trained to give back to the community which has made us. The joy and the smile we put on the faces of these little one's will forever remind them of reading. Bravo to you all.
Well done for the good performance at the Maponya mall. The efforts, time, passion and the zeel we all had for the reading program was amazing. The program was a success despite all the running around. Indeed i have realse that, we are not only being prepared for classroom work but also being trained to give back to the community which has made us. The joy and the smile we put on the faces of these little one's will forever remind them of reading. Bravo to you all.
My book at Maponya
Good day fellow students here are some pictures from my book. As you can see the pictures can tell the story on its own. like i said some learners may not have understood but the pictures are detailed enough to tell a story on its own. I also think that these pictures are colorful and inviting and a good aspect in a book. It is exciting and invites the learners in.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Hi ladies
I have to add on everything that was said by my colligues. We really work well as a team, and saterday was a big success. thank you D. for the nice pictures you have chosen for our blogg. Hey!! guys did you see that "I am a celebrity" I am on yertardays star news paper and it feels so good to see myself interacting with children like that, its really a good and heart warming experience. Lets keep up the good work guys, thanks to all of you.
Maponya Mall reading
Dear ladies
I must say Saturday was a success; everything went very well our group handled everything with style. I am also very happy that we work so well together. Monique you are the bomb you remembered to take all the pretty photos. And girl thanks for getting all my good sides. Back to the reading...
he kids enjoyed my book, but like I said a book about religion can raise a lot of questions with the young ones, they don’t stop asking questions. One child asked me when is God's birthday... I struggled there for a bit but a good friend only told me afterwards all my possible answers like "every day, because God does so many good things for us every day" that is a nice one right?
he kids enjoyed my book, but like I said a book about religion can raise a lot of questions with the young ones, they don’t stop asking questions. One child asked me when is God's birthday... I struggled there for a bit but a good friend only told me afterwards all my possible answers like "every day, because God does so many good things for us every day" that is a nice one right?
Well I didn’t think of it at the time.But in a nut shell this is a good idea and I hope students after us treasure it and enjoy it like we did. If you going to be a teacher this is the ultimate test, How to keep a child on the straight and narrow with their parents staring at you from the other side of the black fence
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